Rule Book
Actions & Terms: R-T
Actions & Terms
Running Away From Combat
Specific items and cards, such as the Bonus Card Leathra Boots, allow you to runaway from combat to avoid damage and the Defeat Effects. This can be done towards the end of combat. If running away is successful, all cards used during combat must be discarded.
Safe Zone
Safe zones are spaces on the map where player may not engage in duels or enter combat. These areas include Cities, Settlements, and Shrines.
You can build settlements on the map. Each player can build up to 3 settlements.
You CANNOT build settlements on Cities, Dungeons, Shrines or other Settlements.
Settlements act like Cities (see Cities):
Settlements are Safe Zones.
Travel to another City or your Settlements for 3 Keru Coins.
Pay 5 Keru Coins to draw a Bonus Card.
Sell Cards.
Exchange cards from in-play to your hand.
Building settlements on trade routes:
Building settlements on these spaces will gain you these effects.
At the beginning of your turn, you may draw 1 Action Card into your hand.
At the beginning of your turn, you may get 1 Keru Coin.
At the beginning of your turn, you may draw 1 Bonus Card into your hand.
Shrines are special locations on the map.
Shrines are Safe Zones.
DO NOT draw an Action Card when entering the space. Instead, entering the space will immediately trigger a dice roll.
1-3: Nothing.
4-5: 2 Keru Coins.
6: 5 Keru Coins.
You may trade during your turn on Phase One or Phase Three.
You CANNOT trade Levels.
You can trade:
Bonus Cards.
Action Cards.
Keru Coins.
Honor Points.